Sunday 21 February 2010

Initial Film Concept

The initial concept of our film actually came from my initial pitching idea and Alex Burke and Robbie Miller decided to join me and work on the idea for our film.
The basic concept of the film is a hybrid genre of horror/supernatural and film-noir, or more so neo-noir. Our central protagonist in this film is a vampire detective, in the beginning of our film we try to add narrative enigma by not giving anchorage to whether the central protagonist is a hero or villain.

The idea for our opening two minutes was to have our central protagonist, call him Jack for the moment, coming out of his home at dusk just as the sun has gone down, in a very typical detective outfit like a trench coat and hat and then lighting up a cigarette, we would also show the vampire canine fangs and if we're able to also the red contact lenses to tint his eyes as signifiers that he is a vampire. Then he would walk around dinly lit deserted streets and alleys and hear a girl screaming, he would then approach the noise to find a young girl being attacked by a young male in an alley way, Jack would then pull the attacker of the girl and restrain him and then bite his neck and drink his blood, during this time the girl will have run off.

After Jack has finished preying on his victim he will lift his head up and wipe the blood from his mouth.
It is likely we will have a voice over during this explaining why he is doing it or what his existense is about.

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